Config API
Assume you are using the UMD bundle in the browser, here is an easy example of setting default renderer to CanvasRenderer by using setConfig
core: {
defalutRenderer: 'canvas',
defaultFontFamily: 'Menlo',
sequence: {
messageFontSize: 16,
Or get current config by getConfig
Apply config to just one render
When using @pintora/standalone
in the browser, you can apply config to just one render. This will not change the globalConfig.
pintora.default.renderTo(code, {
config: {
themeConfig: {
theme: 'dark',
Available configs
export type PintoraConfig = {
core: {
/** by default it's 'svg' */
defaultRenderer: string
defaultFontFamily: string
useMaxWidth: boolean
themeConfig: {
theme: string
darkTheme?: string
themeVariables: ITheme
activity: ActivityConf
component: ComponentConf
er: ErConf
sequence: SequenceConf
Config for diagrams
Common Configs
There are some common diagram config keys those - if they appears in the *Conf
below - share common meaning and possible values.
name | value type | description |
layoutDirection | 'TB' or 'LR' | A config for dagre-layout, stands for (top-bottom) or (left-right) |
diagramPadding | number | Padding of the diagram, distance from visual content to the border |
useMaxWidth | boolean | Whether the diagram should be resized to fit container width |
edgeType | EdgeType | Edge splines type |
, this is the default valueortho
, stands for orthogonal, edges are axis-aligned and bendings are right-angledcurved
, similar to 'polyline' control points, but draws curved line instead of straight one
Config for sequence diagram. For more detail, check the latest code.
export type SequenceConf = {
noteWidth: number
noteHeight: number
noteMargin: number
boxMargin: number
activationWidth: number
diagramMarginX: number
diagramMarginY: number
boxTextMargin: number
messageFontFamily: string
messageFontSize: number
messageFontWeight: MarkAttrs['fontWeight']
messageTextColor: string
* font weight of box - such as loop and box
boxFontWeight: MarkAttrs['fontWeight']
wrapPadding: number
labelBoxWidth: number
labelBoxHeight: number
/** color of loop box's border */
loopLineColor: string
/** if the actor should also appear in the bottom of the diagram, default is true */
mirrorActors: boolean
actorWidth: number
actorHeight: number
actorMargin: number
actorBackground: string
actorBorderColor: string
actorTextColor: string
actorLineColor: string
participantBoxPadding: number
participantBackground: string
noteTextColor: string
activationBackground: string
dividerFontWeight: MarkAttrs['fontWeight']
dividerTextColor: string
dividerMargin: number
showSequenceNumbers: boolean
useMaxWidth: boolean
Config for entity relationship diagram. For more detail, check the latest code.
export type ErConf = {
diagramPadding: number
layoutDirection: string
ranksep: number
edgesep: number
edgeType: EdgeType
useMaxWidth: boolean
minEntityWidth: number
minEntityHeight: number
entityPaddingX: number
entityPaddingY: number
borderRadius: number
stroke: string
fill: string
edgeColor: string
attributeFill: string
textColor: string
labelBackground: string
fontSize: number
fontFamily: string
Config for component diagram. For more detail, check the latest code.
export type ComponentConf = {
diagramPadding: number
edgeType: EdgeType
edgesep: number
ranksep: number
componentPadding: number
componentBackground: string
componentBorderColor: string
groupBackground: string
groupBorderColor: string
groupBorderWidth: number
relationLineColor: string
textColor: string
fontSize: number
fontFamily: string
lineWidth: number
labelBackground: string
interfaceSize: number
useMaxWidth: boolean
* By default there is a label in bottom-left of group to show its type, set this to true make the label disappear
hideGroupType: boolean
export type ActivityConf = {
diagramPadding: number
edgesep: number
edgeType: EdgeType
useMaxWidth: boolean
actionPaddingX: number
actionPaddingY: number
actionBackground: string
actionBorderColor: string
groupBackground: string
groupBorderColor: string
textColor: string
edgeColor: string
keywordBackground: string
noteTextColor: string
noteMargin: number
labelTextColor: string
labelBackground: string
fontSize: number
fontFamily: string
export type MindmapConf = {
diagramPadding: number
layoutDirection: 'LR' | 'TB'
useMaxWidth: boolean
borderRadius: number
/** default node color */
nodeBgColor: string
nodePadding: number
/** font weight of node label */
nodeFontWeight: MarkAttrs['fontWeight']
textColor: string
edgeColor: string
maxFontSize: number
minFontSize: number
fontFamily: string
levelDistance: number
// node config for different levels
l1NodeBgColor: string
l1NodeTextColor: string
l2NodeBgColor: string
l2NodeTextColor: string
Config for gantt diagram. For more detail, check the latest code.
export type GanttConf = {
barHeight: number
barGap: number
topPadding: number
sidePadding: number
gridLineStartPadding: number
numberSectionStyles: number
axisFormat: DateFormat
axisLabelFontSize: number
axisLabelColor: string
gridLineWidth: number
gridLineColor: string
markLineColor: string
barBackground: string
barBorderColor: string
barBorderRadius: number
sectionBackgrounds: Array<string | undefined>
sectionLabelColor: string
fontColor: string
fontSize: number
fontFamily: string
Config for DOT diagram. For more detail, check the latest code.
export type DOTConf = {
diagramPadding: number
layoutDirection: string
ranksep: number
nodesep: number
edgesep: number
edgeType: EdgeType
nodePadding: number
nodeBorderRadius: number
backgroundColor: string
labelTextColor: string
nodeBorderColor: string
edgeColor: string
fontSize: number
fontWeight: MarkAttrs['fontWeight']
fontFamily: string
Override config by directive
If you don't have the access to add JS script into the page or in the Node.js module, it's also possible to override some configs of the builtin diagrams through the @param
or @config
This is the recommended way to override configs inside the text DSL for all pintora's builtin diagrams. But it may be slightly different or not implemented at all in some third-party diagrams, due to syntax confilict or other diagram-parser implementation details.
The @param
This directive overrides local config in current diagram.
@param prop value
%% --- or ---
@param {
prop value
For example:
sequenceDiagram @param loopLineColor #79caf1 @param actorBackground #61afef @param actorTextColor #ffffff @param { messageFontFamily Consolas dividerTextColor #61afef } User->>Pintora: render this activate Pintora loop Check input Pintora-->>Pintora: Has input changed? end
The @config
Unlike the @param
directive, this directive:
- Overrides global config in this render.
- Config needs to be valid JSON string.
For example:
mindmap @config({ "core": { "defaultFontFamily": "serif", "useMaxWidth": true }, "themeConfig": { "theme": "larkDark" }, "mindmap": { "layoutDirection": "TB", "l1NodeBgColor": "#2B7A5D", "l1NodeTextColor": "#fff", "l2NodeBgColor": "#26946C", "l2NodeTextColor": "#fff", "nodeBgColor": "#67B599", "textColor": "#fff" } }) + UML Diagrams ++ Behavior Diagrams +++ Sequence Diagram +++ State Diagram +++ Activity Diagram ++ Structural Diagrams +++ Class Diagram +++ Component Diagram